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Avg. Height: 6" to 1'

Avg. Weight: 1 to 3 lbs

Avg. Life Expectancy: N/A



Fae are small diminutive creatures of elemental energy. Some of the most common are fey based on Life which have a distinctively natural appearance. But they also exist for water, fire, electricity, and more. Each of these variations mark them with different appearances. For example, a Fae of Water might have a fish tail or hair made of water that never drips. Electricity may glow brightly and sting to the touch with an erratic form. Fire may appear to be made of coal and have matchstick like hair of flames. They all are minuscule in size, most able to fit into bottles or bird cages. Fae do have males and females of their species though how they present themselves depends on the Fae and the society shaping them. One of the diminutive creatures within a Seyaran city may take presenting their gender like those of the Seyaran while others who are in the wild may not.


Fae can reproduce. It doesn't happen traditionally like Seyarans can, but instead, male Fae would do an action called Sharing Essence to the female Fae. From there she would meld their essences together to form a seed. Where she plants this seed determines what type of Fae is made, putting it into a fire will sprout a fire blossom that, when it first blooms, grows into the new Fae. Once a Fae has reached one year of age, they are physically an adult of their species. While it was originally speculated that this rapid development meant short lifespans, added in that many Fae didn't survive long in captivity. However, a well treated Fae companion can live for hundreds of years. 



While Fae are sentient creatures, they are often mistreated in society as people use them for their magicks. As many can fly, either magically or non-magically, they are often contained within special bottles or cages. Each one has abilities based on the element or energy they are based on, allowing them to be used as pocket healers, illuminators, or firestarters. Now, not all treat Fae badly, some take them as apprentices and don’t imprison them, but Fae find wandering cities alone to be dangerous. They also make great companions and familiars as well as can be Playable Characters. Some aspects are Life, Cold, Fire, Electricity, Arcane, and Death.



Their tiny size allows them to excel at being unseen and getting into places most others can't. Despite their affinity to certain elements and energies, they aren't necessarily immune to those elements. Fire will still burn a Fire Fae. Some are more resistant to their element, but not all. Lastly, many Fae have the ability to fly. Their energy forming into physical wings for them to use or manifests in other non-mundane ways such as fire jets or magnetism.


Other Info:

  • Fae are usually very sensitive to magic around their element, making them particularly great at manipulating that energy. Not all care to do this though.

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