While most of these are optional to join, the League of Adventure is the organization you must be pat of to be in SLC. The headquarters are the main room, after all.
League of Adventure
Leader: Guild Master Ruvala
Symbol: An upside-down sword planted in a pathway
Motto: “Sailing to tomorrow; uncovering yesterday.”
Headquarters: Seyaria (City)
The League of Adventure represents the desire to know and find more information about the plane they exist upon. From venturing beyond the known world and into the unknown to searching known mysteries like the disappearance of the first empire. On top of that goal, they seek out magical artifacts and signs of other civilization, serving as peace brokers. They have earned a name for themselves on good behavior. While scandals do come about now and then, these are mostly kept out of the papers.
The League of Adventure also supports a small portal system between most capital cities besides Ol'koon. This allows the adventurers use as described under Teleportation on the Magic page.
Joining into the League of Adventure is a three part process. The first part is the application. This covers topics such as specialties, previous history, criminal record, Alias and/or Name, and other questions about who you are. Once the application is turned in, you can rest and relax as the next part is done solely on the League’s end.
The LoA will then attempt to verify the information given, including finding out if the name you’ve presented is your real name. If it isn’t, they take measures to track it down to see why. Should it come about that you are honest or displaying qualities wanted on your application and not one they believe too hazardous, they approve the application. This can be ex-criminals or even wanted ones, should they display wanted attributes.
The final step is accepting the terms of the Organization and signing a simple contract that states you will follow the rules they set out. There you are given a badge of membership either metal or sewn patch.
The LoA has only a few rules with levels of punishment depending on severity. The most severe response will be to turn the member into the guard and/or removal from the organization.
Fighting unsupervised within the classrooms, halls, or rooms is forbidden. You are free to use the sparring grounds for this, but intentionally killing another member is forbidden.
Do not steal any items from the League. Stealing from others in the League will result in punishment as well.
Do not destroy the grounds.
Try not to give the League a bad reputation.
Cult of the Ocean
Leader: The Seer
Symbol: A wave
Motto: N/A
Headquarters: Wet Foot Island
Wet Foot Island is the furthest up island that exists. Buildings cannot go over three stories or be in the water. Here is where the majority of the Cult of the Ocean does its nefarious deeds, especially sacrifice. The cult has been eradicated several times, but always seems to reform. The most recent leader, The Seer, as they are known, is an extremely powerful telepath. Attempts to cull the organization since have led to failure. Attempts have been put on hold. The following itself is mostly fanatical zealots that preach the end of times.
You must swim out into the Ocean and fade into the darkness and then swim back. If you return, the Ocean has chosen you and you are admitted into the ranks. If you do not, you were weak and deserved to die.
Breaking any of the tenants below can end up with you sacrificed to the ocean.
The Ocean is far more important than anyone or thing may be. No mortal possession or family matters. Only the Ocean.
Those who insult the power and strength of the Ocean shall be sacrificed to the Ocean. If such a situation does not allow, cursing their name and reporting this heresy to the order will suffice.
No life matters more than the Ocean, including your own. Cowardice is a sign of weakness against the unbreaking Ocean. Display it and you shall be eliminated.
Cult of the Storm
Leader: Grand Prophet Luis Tacanu
Symbol: Lightning Strike
Motto: “The Storm will consume all.”
Headquarters: Luminos
Luminos is an island that rests just out of the storm and is considered safe to live on. Though lightning strikes it quite often. It is barely large enough for a small town. Here is where the majority of the cult resides. Unlike other cults, they are rather passive doomsayers and worshippers of the storm. They believe that through worship, the storm will preserve them when it destroys everything else. Willing members of the group will present themselves to the storm and pass on to the other side, of which they believe is a haven that can only be reached through absolute devotion to the storm. Of all the cults, it is the most widespread.
There are almost no requirements to join or be recruited into the organization beyond belief in the Storm and personality set on a doomish future where the storm will destroy everything. But even functional members of society could believe and no one would be the wiser.
You must worship the Storm and the power it wields. It need not be publicly.
Spirit Walkers
Leader: The Great Spirit Tree
Symbol: A Ghostly Willow Tree
Motto: “Guide, Protect, and Seal”
Headquarters: The Great Spirit Tree (Lu’ryl)
The focus of the Spirit Walkers is to interact with spirits across the plane. Primarily this focus rests on spirits of less than good behavior or ones who linger in fragments instead of going to the afterlife. While it isn’t their duty to ensure a spirit is in the proper afterlife, they do try to keep them from interfering too greatly with the average person who cannot see them, sometimes leaving behind these fragments without malicious intent if they are instead helping.
It is very rare for an organized mission from the organization. Instead members are encouraged to wander the plane and find areas of spiritual turmoil and help assist or fix the issue as they see fit.
Joining the order is rather simple, compared to the rest, due to their open ended nature and goal. However, one must come to the Great Tree Spirit at least once and receive her blessing. Those who cannot see spirits will begin to develop the trait. Those who can already typically find it bolstered or made easier.
Beyond this one requirement, members have to actively work to keep the balance of the spiritual and physical. This does not mean killing a Seyaran for each Spirit killed or vice versa, but maintaining the boundary between the two realms. Exceptions can occur, but usually only with well behaved spirits like the Great Spirit Tree.
The order only has one rule.
Do not intentionally try to break the boundary between the spiritual and physical.
Madoria’s Crew
Leader: Admiral “Lynch” Tarluk
Symbol: A black square with a bloody gold coin on it
Motto: “If it were so easy to take, they won’t miss it.”
Headquarters: Madoria (Po’ko)
An elite crew of pirates that man an unknown number of ships that make up much of the pirate scene that merchant ships have to deal with. The captains of each ship are generally famous for heists of great caliber. None to the degree of stealing the Seyaran Crown like Madoria herself had done. Admiral “Lynch” Tarluk is most notable for having been hung at least a dozen times for his theft of a new battleship single-handedly. Most of the other captains are not as acclaimed but possess names and deeds themselves.
Joining up with Madoria’s Crew is a claim not many pirates hold. While proving yourself a capable crewman can get you role on a ship within the crew, it rarely earns you a name. No, to truly join the role of Madoria’s Crew, you need a ship and a name with a haul. There is no official application, but instead, by earning your name as a pirate, you have already done all you need.
As Pirates, there aren’t any rules, but there are suggestions and codes that is expected for one to abide by.
Robbing another Pirate while they still live is disliked.
Gold motivates all hands.
Attacking another member of Madoria’s Crew is forbidden.
Thieves’ Guild
Leader: Alix Daria Forenth
Symbol: A blackened coin purse
Motto: “Whatever isn’t nailed down is yours. And whatever is nailed down is yours too.”
Headquarters: Seyaria (The Forenth Catacombs)
Unlike Madoria’s Crew where they specialize in theft in a very noticeable way, the Thieves’ Guild focuses on discrete action. They don’t notice what has happened until you are gone already. While there are little in ways of rules of who you can steal from, they heavily frown upon easy targets such as the poor or struggling. No, going for larger targets like nobles, governments, or so forth is where the game gets exciting. It is not unheard of for jobs to be organized by the guild for the League of Adventure and it is often rumored about that the two work together. Or that they often assist each other.
Joining into the Thieves’ guild isn’t something you approach about. Instead, when you feel the need to join and have made yourself known in the shadows, you may find the guild approaching you. There they offer you a job. Usually a risky heist that pushes along the skill level of most, but for some ends up being impossible. If pass, they are offered a place among the guild. If they fail, they aren’t heard from again until proving worthy once more.
Despite being rather loose on the idea of ownership of others, the guild has several very strict rules when part of it.
Do not rob a fellow member, family, or supporter of the guild. Such locations are marked with a black diamond somewhere around the doors. Usually hidden into a design.
Killing is to be avoided and only when necessary. The guild already draws enough attention from stealing, adding murder to that makes life harder for all.
Never intentionally sell out another member, family, or supporter of the guild.
The Dragon Hunters
Leader: Karlek Havryla
Symbol: Severed Dragon head on a pike
Motto: "Only Good Dragon is a Dead Dragon"
Headquarters: Small Island NW of Seyaria between Lok'kal and Lu'ryl
The Dragon Hunters are an infamous group among the educated and heroes among the brainwashed or fools. They see dragons as a threat to all other races for varying reasons. For some, the reason is legitimate such as abuse from a bad dragon, but they take the hatred further than necessary. For others, it is a sport. If you can kill a dragon, nothing is better than you. However, these hunters often take to cowardly attacks that cause far more danger to others than the dragon. Their preferred method of weapon is referred to as Dragon Fire/Acid/Shock/Chill based on the element the weapon is. Using Dragon Fire on a Red Dragon (or other fire type dragon) causes it to become extremely crippled until healed, preventing most of their abilities; however, using Dragon Shock on that red dragon will hurt it, but do nothing more than a giant crossbow might.
Recruitment is mostly done by the hunters going through poor, uneducated areas and convincing the people that dragons are an extreme danger to society. Because these people are mostly not aware that Dragons are mostly peaceful, they buy into propaganda and lies and join up with them, thinking themselves noble. Those who sometimes learn the truth are known to try to leave but aren't always allowed to do so. They are also known to release books that describe dragons as vicious beasts or princess stealers or whatever other lie they can think of to make people believe them.
The Dragon Hunters believe firmly in a sense of Might makes Right mentality. As such, rules are issued by the strong until someone usurps them. The current leader and his followers have held power for the last fifty years. Their only rule is to kill dragons and take everything they have.