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Gods and Powerful Beings

Despite the name of this section being “Gods”, not everything here is actually a god. Many of the beings are instead powerful entities that can gift others powers or some form of worship tends to occur. However, among these, a few do actually bear the proper title of gods, or beings incapable of death and power beyond even the possibility those powerful beings have. This list is not exhaustive of all known gods or godlike beings.




Titles: Earth-father, Guardian Earth, and Mossy Giant

Home: Utal

Status: Alive/Dormant

Specialty: Protection, Earth, Patience, Mothering, and Sacrifice

Symbol: A Stone Heart



The origin of Ulguk remains a mystery like his sister. Ancient texts from Seyarans and Poruk show he existed from early times. Some speculate he existed before their languages fully formed. But, he is connected to the island of Utal, hurting when it hurts and prospering when it prospers. Many speculate the carved and chiseled sections represent how much of the island has broken apart. A physical embodiment of the land’s will.


Physical Description:

Ulguk rarely is seen, but in each time he has been seen, he’d been described as statuesque. He is taller than even a Seyaran at around ten feet tall. He’s slightly portly and not well muscled. His skin is covered in cracks and chiseled away pieces that make him look like a forgotten piece of art. He is usually found in a resting position under a tree or at a cliffside just enjoying the view. He welcomes guests to sit with him whether they be sentient or not with his body language alone. The rock-like form seems to mold well to show his emotions, breaking the illusion of the statue. His resting emotions seem slightly melancholic though.



Ulguk is known for a rather docile and friendly demeanor. He invites those he encounters to join him for meals and relaxing. He doesn’t talk, but his emotions are well conveyed by body language. Violence is not tolerated by him though, and he will attack anyone who is trying to actually harm another around him. This has led to a few deaths of hunters who try to kill one of the gathered animals. He is slow to anger otherwise, being patient with those who might otherwise not have someone to talk to.



Those that worship Ulguk tend to have a more carefree style of life, espousing a lifestyle of taking things slow and enjoying what you have. Loving your family and those around you in a friendly way. A focus on community and being together. They should work hard so that they may give their family an easier life. They also tend to be the most willing to stand up to defend the things they truly believe in or against those they feel are wrong.


Poruk tend to leave small gifts of food and art in places of worship. These places are not churches or otherwise considered temples. They are simple shrines next to places they feel Ulguk would enjoy. So they design picnics for him should he stop by. If he is there when you arrive, it is considered extremely rude not to join him, and tardiness is often excused. Followers tend to wear earthy colors and fashion armor and weapons from the earth itself. One of the more common materials used in weapons is Obsidian with iron for armor. These suits of armor tend to be more expensive than others, but are said to be unrivaled in comfort and ease of wear. Axes are the preferred weapon.


Poruk culture typically has hospitals under his care. Or so they say, marking them with a Stone Heart to know that one can receive care inside the building. They tend to specialize in childbirth and work related injuries of things like forges, looms, and so on.



Ugluk bears immense strength and the ability to shape the earth around him with ease. He shrugs off even the toughest of hits like it was something from a child. His touch also brings life, flowers, grass, and life blooming where he walks and those he touches may find their injuries cured. When angered, the ground crashes against his foes at his beck and call. He moves through the ground like it was water.



Titles: Mistress of Lava and Lady Volcano

Home: Utal - Jurgun (Capital)

Status: Alive/Dormant

Specialty: Destruction, Fire, Emotions, Rebuilding, and Youth

Symbol: A Volcano



Kulna’s origins remain just as mysterious as her brothers. However, unlike him, she loves telling wild stories on how the island birthed them; that she created him because she was bored; it was an accident; or other contradictory story. Her home exists as a lava ball in the center of the Utal capital. While she is not always there, it has become a popular spot for followers to visit in tribute.


Her emotions and temper destroyed part of the island when she erupted all the volcanoes in the island, shattering a considerable amount of landmass. This event she refuses to even talk about, and many speculate it was a fight between the siblings.


Physical Description:

While many dwarves tend to paint her as a heavily attractive woman made of fire, lava, and rock, Kulna’s appearance tends to be much less sensual though she is definitely made of fire, lava, and rock. Mostly rock though with a molten center. She is also much larger, standing at or taller than her brother’s towering height. Her voice is much more like a smoker’s raspy voice and not gentle. Her touch scalds and burns. She is almost always seen with her feet covered in lava or melded with it. She is rough physically.



Typically, Kulna’s personality is rather energetic. She likes to spend time watching the people toiling about her. Whether this is watching them work hard or watching them suffer, people speculate. She is known to take fancy to certain smiths and bless them with good metal. Bad smiths or ones who gain her dislike, find they can’t even make a simple blade in the furnace. It is extremely rare for her to show anger though, usually only annoyance. But when angry, the island’s many volcanoes erupt at her beck and call. In recorded history, this has only happened twice and it is unknown why they happened. It is blamed on sibling struggles.



Most worshippers are some form of craftsman, typically involving heat like glass blowers, weapon smiths, and armor smiths. Though people of other crafts are known to follow her still and offer gifts. The non-crafting followers tend to believe in a life after destruction philosophy. Sometimes you need to clear a forest to let it regrow again with more nutrients. Though she also promotes people who follow her for construction and those who practice emotional magics like rage.


Kulna’s followers always bear a dark red clay like mark on their forehead to mark themselves as touched. For some this is a burn and for others this is just a clay stamp. Every follower who has been able to prove they are of Kulna’s blessing describe the moment they gained powers differently but, yet at the same time, similarly. With all it was Kulna reaching out from a pool of lava they were next to and she places her Left Thumb upon their forehead. For some, this is in reality and, for others, dreams. Those who cease following can lose their powers, and their mark, but typically it takes acting against her beliefs to do that.



Quite obviously, Kulna has control over lava flows and volcanoes and their activity are tied to her emotions. She also has a slight control over emotions, typically more extremes of those emotions than in betweens. This coexists her control of energy and enthusiasm and has a much more youthful vigor than her brother.



Titles: N/A

Home: Lu’ryl primarily (but exist in many locations)

Status: N/A

Specialty: Varies (See below)

Symbol: N/A



Spirits are not ghosts of those dead but manifestations of an idea, the land, and/or thoughts. These manifestations exist as semi-physical forms. While the public sometimes believes that spirits are people that refused to move over to the Realm Beyond, it is extremely rare for a spirit to come from someone who has died. These spirits are not manifestations of their soul though, but fragments separated from their mind or body to continue a certain ideal. But beyond that, the variances sway so wildly that the ideas of what they do vary just as much.


Physical Description:

While all spirits do differ, most spirits due have some similar traits that make them easier to define. They are almost all slightly blue in color and parts of them seem to, almost randomly, sparkle with light. When moving quickly, they tend to leave behind a soft blue trail. Spirits that don’t follow this are either powerful, malign, or affected by some other kind of energy.



This varies wildly based on what kind of spirit it is. A more malign spirit tends to trick to pervert and corrupt an individual. Destroy what they were and make them theirs. This can either be for possession or even just corrupting ideals. Less malign but trickster spirits prefer to pretend to be something else, some even teach messages with their pranks, but most do it for the fun. Good spirits, or ones who wish to aid, do so typically through acts of luck and fortune. One might spot a coin on the ground and bend to pick it up, narrowly avoiding an assassin’s attack or other such blessings.



Just as conduct and appearance differ, it is of no surprise that the worship itself is different. For some a blood sacrifice is needed and others just require you to dress and act a certain way. But spirit blessings are gifts that may be able to be suppressed, but a spirit can only take them back from you through contact. Which is the same way they can grant you powers. Less powerful spirits may instead protect an individual and travel with them, but more powerful spirits are usually bound to a shrine or object.



Too varied to describe here. Instead below are examples of known powerful spirits:

Varl’or is notable for Earth, Nature, and Abundance.

The Great Tree Spirit is notable for Growth, Life, and Nature.


Prince Ol’ko

Titles: Prince of Lok’kal, Leader of the Kol’ok, Master of War, and Sand-Whisperer.

Home: Lok’kal

Status: Dead

Specialty: Conquering, Iron, War, Survival, and Deserts

Symbol: An Obelisk



Prince Olko lead the Kol’ok empire, but he did not found it. When he was a boy, his father united the Princes of Lok’kal, leading them into a golden time of innovation. But, Ol’ko saw his father as weak. He avoided leading the Empire but instead focused on an equal power council. He resided as Emperor but pushed his duties onto others.


Ol’ko, then known as the Young Prince, disagreed greatly with this line of thought. When he was a mere eight years, he slaughtered the council and murdered his father, taking control of the empire. Many challenged his leadership after his bloody takeover, and all who did joined his father in rest. Prince Ol’ko whipped together the military and workforce of the island, sending them out to expand the empire and build monuments to their greatness and to him.


Since then, Ol’ko sustained the empire for thousands of years before his ultimate death with no obvious heir or successor, sending the empire into chaos.


Physical Description:

A particularly large true Kol’ok adorned in golden armor so that none look upon any part of the Prince. White robes with golden stitching adorn the set of armor, especially over his back half and four legs. His tail was even given golden armor to protect it. The one thing not covered was his eyes, which glowed with an intensity of the sand during the peak hours of the day. His voice was also said to carry for miles if he wanted it to.



He was a quiet man, with an intelligence about the way he held himself. When he spoke, the words were important. When he didn’t speak, either his silence was important or there was nothing important enough for him to add to the situation. He had many children, all who challenged him for the power of the throne and the many obelisk tombs outside his palace are where they rest now. He did not tolerate disobedience, but the rules were otherwise very relaxed for most islands they took over.


His reason for conquest was to unite the people he felt a connection to. He claimed a form of energy resides in creatures like beastmen and that they should join together and be unstoppable.



His worship was expected by his subjects but not legally forced. However, those that didn’t worship him were often ostracized from society. Worship involved visiting shrines dedicated to him. Usually there were obelisks or pyramids. While there, they would pray towards the Great Temple, where the Prince resided.


Priests of the faith often wore white and gold robes that fully covered them from head to toe. They would be trained greatly in martial skills as well. A priest delivered the judgement of the Prince on the frontlines as well as led services of favor to the prince. They still get power from their worship.



He was stated to have power over the sands themselves, whipping it up into sandstorms to destroy his enemies. Furthermore, his skill with a weapon was claimed to be impassible. That he was the single greatest fighter to exist. However, even those powers did not save him in the end.


Harvest Wolf

Titles: Mother Wolf, White Fang, Sha (Sh-ah)

Home: Seyaria

Status: Unknown

Specialty: Life, Guidance, Farming, Protection, and Fertility

Symbol: A Wolf



Known by many names due to the different villages that all named her. The most common names of Harvest Wolf, but Mother Wolf, White Fang, and Sha have all come to popularity. Her real name comes from the Western edge of of Seyaria, where it is said she has her den, where two children were lost in the woods. The story says she found them days away from home, recognizing them. She told the children she was the wolf Sha. Still, many more refer to her as Harvest Wolf.


Where the Harvest Wolf came from, no one is entirely sure. Stories of her exist from the earliest Seyaran writings. The first stories painted her as a monster and sent hunting parties out to kill her. But in each attempt, they only found nothing. Stories record of her coming into towns just to destroy them and murder the people, but no evidence of such claims was ever spread. It stands to reason those claims were rumor mongering. Eventually, the stories stopped spreading of White Fang’s monster-like qualities when farmers began reporting bountiful harvests after seeing her. Soon her reputation reversed, making her a heavily worshiped god of harvest.


Physical Description:

A giant wolf around twenty feet tall and sixty feet long from nose to tail. Her fur stands almost completely white with a small patch of black fur between her ears and bleeding down to her nose. White Fang’s eyes display a level of sentience not seen in wolves but humans.



The actions of the Harvest Wolf come from a sense similar to if not nurturing, earning her the name Mother Wolf. She rarely speaks to those who meet her, but lost travelers, adventuring kids, and some desperate farmers have reported speaking to the great wolf. Typically, those who have met her describe her voice as deeper than a normal woman’s voice. She speaks slowly, letting the words feel like they carry upon the wind itself.


Beyond that, she wanders from farm to farm, giving her blessing.



Typically, a small piece of the harvest is offered as a gift to the Wolf for when she passes. Whether she received it or it helped some other creature didn’t matter. Sha never asked for the offerings, and no one is particularly sure what she does with them. There is also a wicker shrine dedicated to her which has been burning for hundreds of years. And during the Harvest Festival, people have small wicker burnings in their own homes and towns.



Most notable of her powers and the only confirmed one stands to be her power over the fertility of the ground. This allows her to give farmers her favor. It is rare, but a farm that loses her favor, fails to cultivate even the simplest crops. She is never lost and seems to know the heart of the person she looks upon.



Titles: The Great Water

Home: N/A

Status: N/A

Specialty: N/A

Symbol: A Wave



The Ocean above, the Great Water or many other names. The ocean gives no powers or even displays any signs of sentience. Some claim the ocean is something to worship or follow. That it is what brought life and what will end life. This cult-like worship is one of the few religions and beliefs not legal in most civilized islands.


Physical Description:

A giant body of water, semi-reflective, that vanishes to darkness as it continues up and and up and up. Fish can be seen swimming near the surface and air-farmers can be seen with balloons floating up into the water base to catch what they could.






It is important to note that the worship of the ocean doesn’t provide any power. Though some claim and show control over water, but do not explain how it came about. Worship usually involves sacrifices, offerings, and devotion to learning the way of the ocean. Sacrifices vary wildly from items thrown into the ocean to forcing someone into the ocean to either survive or die. Most die. Those who don’t are then either inducted to the cult or sacrificed to the ocean.






Titles: N/A

Home: N/A

Status: Unknown

Specialty: Electricity.

Symbol: An upside down cloud with lightning bolts shooting up



As far as any culture has knowledge, the Storm has always existed just the same as the ocean. A constant thundering storm of dark thick clouds, shooting flashes of blue light. Ships moving too close are struck by these bolts and are known to plummet into the Storm and never return. Seyaria takes advantage of this and sends special ships to be struck and store the electricity to power much of their city and island.


However, unlike the Ocean, the Storm does grant power over electricity when worshipped, making some question if it is a living being or not.


Physical Description:

Dark, menacing clouds sparking with shoots of blue electricity, the storm refuses to change or dissipate no matter how far one travels from the known islands.






Worship of the Storm occurs on ships floated just above the tendrils of electricity. Lightning rods usually dot the ships, where they take in the energy to keep the ships floating above and not below. Sacrifices to the Storm are common, flinging either other cultists or innocents into the enveloping electrical clouds. Many of the followers lack sanity, and the few who do have it tend not to associate with larger groups of worshippers. It is fully possible to Worship the storm and not sacrifice people but still gain the powers.



As the Storm is non-sentient, as far as people know, it lacks powers beyond that of random lightning strikes.


Ure Le

Titles: One of Winds, He Who Guides the Wings

Home: Chur

Status: Alive

Specialty: Wind, Freedom, Youth, Peacefulness, and Support

Symbol: A Gust of Wind



Legend goes that Ure Le was the first elder in Rane Society. He guided his people from an age of nests and lack of education into that of a thinking people with villages. He led them to the best places to hunt and gather. He taught them how to harness the wind to sustain themselves. His actions built the basis of their society. Then he left them alone, to learn on their own and advance, with the bit of wisdom “The Wind wears down stubborn rocks unwilling to move.” Since then, he can be found on the tallest mountain, offering his advice to young and old travelers. Many speak well of his wisdom, but others feel his words lack depth and do not lead them to the path they want.


Physical Description:

Ure Le appears to be an elderly Rane with rust-colored feathers all over his body. His face appears much more like an owl’s. This aligns with some of the earliest skeletons found of Rane, signifying his age is older than the modern Rane.



Ure Le prefers to be quiet and relax upon the highest mountain peak. Despite being open to give guidance, he encourages people to find their own paths. Even if that path is not the one they thought they would take, the new path may end up being better because it was achieved solely by you. When people do meet with him, he speaks in very few words and never clarifies.



Worship of Ure Le is about finding oneself and being free to that self. This usually speaks more with the younger generations and the idea of finding yourself. He supports and encourages people to make peace with who they are and what that means. To be happy and not infringe upon other people’s freedoms. Most worshipers understand they need for rules to regulate and prevent this infringement at a slight cost of their own freedoms, but some believe in a more anarchic system. Many visuals and references refer to the wind as being free, going where it wishes. Others who give guidance sometimes look to him rather than Mistress Fate, but these prefer messages of making your own destiny than Mistress Fate’s hard definition.



Ure Le is most notable for his control over the wind. Rumors state that he controls all of the winds, but he never confirms this statement, leading many to believe that the wind acts naturally and he just shapes it. Some figure he practices a bit of fortune telling as well.



Titles: Grandfather Time, Timeless One, Time

Home: Unknown

Status: Alive

Specialty: Time, Order, Protection, and Logic

Symbol: A Pocket Watch that Doesn’t Work



A being of time, Mite does not appear to be any species, but many consider him to be a he. He exists separate from time unlike every other thing in existence. Or at least, should be. He is considered one of the few True Gods due to his existence being before recorded time and how strongly he embodies time. He serves to ensure time itself does not stop and flows in a linear manner. However, he is only able to exist in one location but at different times.


Physical Description:

The easiest way to describe Mite is to call him a shadow. His real form is imperceptible, leaving only a shadow upon the ground. This shadow itself is still distorted to the viewer, seeing his form in a version of themselves. Like he exists as their own shadow, but this shadow may be a shadow of them when they are older or younger or even present. It is not always accurate, as there are many timelines that exist, so in one you may have lost an arm, but this one you did not.



He does not directly interact with any time except to those who try to stop or ruin the linear path of time. In these cases, he lacks any emotion as he snuffs them out, but that he usually does warn them to turn back first. This usually is portrayed in an invasive thought that is not of their own voice.



Besides granting power to those who believe strongly in preserving the balance of time, Mite fails to interact with them. The worshipers control minor aspects of time usually and try to ensure the balance is held when Mite cannot deal with the issue or leaves the issue to his followers. He is indifferent to creatures that worship him and will snuff out their light.



He exists outside of time and can control aspects of time. Even he cannot stop time, but his does bear the power to alter the direction of it. He can also restart time, but it is believed this action will kill him if he has to use it.



Titles: The Chill, Great Mother Frost

Home: The Mortal Plane

Status: Alive

Specialty: Ice, the Chill, Blizzards, Rebirth, and Storms

Symbol: A Snowflake (Black or White as detailed in Worship)



Uncaring would be the best way to describe Chinst. She is an embodiment of aloofness. The frost that sweeps across the plane and kills off life comes from her. Or at least she accepts the blame for it. Her past is a mystery like many other powerful beings, but due to the destruction she brings with the Chill, many argue her a true god. Because she embodies the Chill, many people consider her with negative emotions, turning away members of her faith, not understanding the differences of the faith.


Physical Description:

A being made out of ice and snow. Her hair, a long cascading stream of melting water, extends beyond her lower back. She appears older in age, like that of a mother, in different species. She seems to appear differently whenever it suits her. People state she appears like a living ice sculpture. She typically wears no expression or emotion on her face.



She can only be interacted with during the Chill, and when interacted with, it is usually her approaching first. She is curt and speaks fast and to the point. She comes off as cruel, but often she does not directly harm anyone. Her requests of mortal species usually help people.



There are two main ways to worship Chinst. The White and Black Snowflake. The Black Snowflake takes her personality and actions directly into account and believe in Chinst as a cruel mother who does not love her children, punishing them with storms and the Chill. They believe in culling the weak. Those too sick to continue would be better off being killed. This branch argues much with the White Snowflake on what course is best to take.


The White Snowflake of Chinst believes in life after destruction. That Great Mother Frost comes across the plane to ensure fertile soil and life can bloom once more. To prevent over abundance and overgrowth. She cares, but she is a giver of tough love. They believe she would want them to bring life back from the brink. They dislike the Black Snowflake for being so quick to judge a cause too far gone when they believe they can still save them.



Chinst quite obviously has powers over the energy of cold, ice, and frost to the degree of wrapping the plane in it. Beyond this, she doesn’t display any other powers.



Titles: The Celebrant, Demon Mother, The Wild Child

Home: Seyaria

Status: Alive

Specialty: Emotional Bonds, Freedom, Family, Self-Realizations, and Purity

Symbol: Two bass clefs to form a heart over a pair of open, feathered wings



While she isn’t any sort of divine being, Minstrel is one of the few people in the world who gathers influence on a massive scale by just...being around, according to herself. Yet there are rumors that she was involved in a number of history changing events. Lavish parties, motherly advice, a sense of personal freedom are all things that tend to draw Minstrel and her followers together. She attempts to embody the sense of personal choice. That no matter how tight the shackles of fate and life tend to be, that there is always a choice to explore, a taste to develop, and a sense of being to grow. Yet despite how much she enjoys her popularity, very few know where she came from or what she actually is. Many just know her as the celebrant that she is.


Physical Description:

Despite being a known shapeshifter, very rarely does she deviate from the more mature looking body that she wears. She bears herself as a tall, slender woman that stands out in any sort of crowd. Yet despite how she conducts herself, she adorns herself in modest clothing that betrays her more wild self. Instead, she dresses herself as a mage and carries herself in a calm, tempered manner. Her features bear heavy demonic appearances, yet whether or not she actually comes from such a lineage has yet to be proven despite her boasts of such.


One could argue that Minstrel bears two beings in one body. On alternating months, she acts rashly different compared to the personality of the previous month. During even numbered months, she makes herself scarce at the home that she made in Seyaria. Instead, claims that she visits people who struggle with a multitude of strife involving purely themselves, or those that are close to them, arise. During these moments, these claims describe Minstrel as a matronly figure, consoling those who are willing to listen to her and offering guidance to help end that strife. She has never directly involved herself otherwise in ridding those of that strife.

However during odd numbered months, she lives as a known celebrant. People find her at a well protected mansion on one of the southern islands of Seyaria. Unless one can be called a friend by her, her guards turn them away upon approach. While these parties are considered tame, often times the island allows certain freedoms to be explored that otherwise couldn’t.


Worship of Minstrel stands as almost nothing when compared to the other “gods” of Arvalan that get worshiped, but her taste for music, especially on the even months of the year when she carries her bass flute, seems to draw a focus to that form of creative exploration and freedom from certain individuals. They tend to find her freedom of expression and ability to be herself, even when in a different form, refreshing and strive for that level of individuality.


Despite her low follower count, Minstrel brought about two holidays that, while now, seem to have only minor ties to her, bank on the form of her two personalities. The mother and the celebrant. These holidays, Celebrant Days, even fall on months that match her personalities. Through these holidays, Minstrel gains most of her followers.



She keeps her skills guarded, often times denying situations where her powers had done something. However, the knowledge of her shapeshifting powers stand well within the realm of known information. On top of that, she presents an uncanny sense of picking up on body language and tones in a way that expresses a possible capability of reading minds. However, the only known instances on this power come from unreliable sources that cannot prove it so. The last major rumor that circulates about her involves a rather unnatural influence she carries about herself. She wears her charisma so well that even those who would resent her can be sharing a drink with her in a matter of minutes.


The Judges

Titles: Preserver of Death, The Failed Immortal

Home: None.

Status: Alive

Specialty: Death, Order, Servitude, and Inevitable Defeat

Symbol: A hand reaching up to a skeletal hand reaching down.



There are many histories behind the Judges across the cultures of the world. Some depict them as executioners. Otherworldly beings that walk across battlefields, cutting down those who would survive otherwise. The last being you meet before you ultimately are whisked away to your final fate. Others depict them as a ferryman, awaiting those who are indecisive to board the boat that would take them across. Yet of all the histories, all the accounts that one meets such a guide, all speak of the first Guide. A nameless mortal who was rumored to have sought immortality. He wanted to reject his fate.

Of course, his efforts failed. At the time that he was able to grasp his goal, he was struck down by death itself. For his attempts to reject fate, the first mortal to reject the path that was for all mortals, he was given the punishment of ushering others like him to their fates. Forever locked away in limbo, never alive, never dead. Those who follow his example are rumored to suffer the same punishment. The ironic punishment of being fated to doom anyone like himself no matter how much he resented the idea of death when he lived.


Physical Description:

Those who manage to meet this or perhaps even these individuals feel as if they are meeting a different one each time. The Judges could be a man, woman, Rane, seemingly not bothered by each appearance change. People find them often dressed in robes lacking in color: a black so deep or a white so pure that often times no mortal weave could achieve the same results. Furthermore, each and every one of them bear bald heads, sunken faces, and skeletal-like eyes sockets that lead to darkness even under the brightest lights. They do not speak or express themselves, but those who encounter them claim that their stoic words formed into their minds.



Despite the rumors and myths that circulate about such beings. Few consider them to be fully gods themselves. Instead they are seen as servants of a greater power. Often times those who see themselves as capable of assisting such beings are considered cults and looked down upon. In either case, these cults tend to serve the belief that the Judges are executioners and council, maintaining the balance of life and death. All things live and all things will die.



With so many rumors and myths to sort through, the only powers that these second hand stories seem to agree upon is that they seem timeless, and capable of seeing into the minds and souls of those who they speak to.


Mistress Fate

Titles: The Inevitable, She Who Guides

Home: Realm Beyond

Status: Alive

Specialty: Predetermination, Foresight, Fate, Balance of Life and Death, and Inescapability

Symbol: A puppet with no strings



How does one escape something that has already been predicted? Something so sure as to happen. That should happen. Those that study her claim that the Mistress Fate existed before time existed. They argue that in order for there to be time, there has to be consequences of time. And that without Mistress Fate, that wouldn’t exist. But just who is this woman? And does she control everything? No one knows who she existed as once, but she does not control fate or destiny. Her actions match activities like merely reading a book. That she holds onto a scroll that knows all who will exist and all who will die.


For a mortal, fate exists as an absolute but confusing thing. It does not flow in coherent thoughts, but like a ball of yarn wrapped by an inexperienced child. Understanding it can make one go insane, but more importantly, have trouble understanding things that don’t follow this tangled mess. Even then, the readings are interpreted and one future reader may see death where another sees rebirth. Mistress Fate governs this web of yarn balls, watching as they reach their end or fray a bit.


For true gods, Fate is a suggestion.


Physical Description:

She herself has not been seen, leaving her described identity to vary so wildly that she is depicted as a child to an elderly woman. Her gender is only known for she has been heard. This voice rings into the mind in a series of puzzles and headaches, but always distinctly feminine and always in the speakers language and accent.



Riddles, puzzles, and predictions exist as some of the most common methods she has for communication. Most of these cannot be solved without preternatural skill at reading fate. She is also known for ambiguity, letting her followers figure out meaning through distorted words.



There exists no church for Mistress Fate. Her followers do not organize or publicly practice. Worship is done in fortune teller shops from Tarot cards, entrail readings, crystal balls, and other means to boost or assist in their readings.



Mistress Fate’s powers are unknown.


The Reaper

Titles: Death, Ferryman, and Caretaker of the Dead

Home: Realm Beyond

Status: Alive (Undead)

Specialty: Death, Afterlife, and Spirits.

Symbol: A Bloody Skull



Rumors spread rampant about the identity of the Reaper. Many claim he was the first creature to ever die. Others claim that he is the strongest personality of the Judges, but no one provides any proof on any of these hypotheses. Instead, he remains a mystery that doesn’t seem to have an answer. Tomes on him from times lost are also just as vague and even long fallen empires seem to know of him but nothing about him.


Physical Description:

Sometimes confused with the Judges themselves, but unlike them, the Reaper is fully skeletal with no flesh or muscle to be seen. He wears a large black cloak as well, but he doesn’t ever carry a weapon.He has only ever been seen by those who are about to die or have a near death encounter. There have been several exceptions to that, but they seem exceptions rather than the rule. Despite his lack of vocalization or even telepathic communication, people tend to get a feeling of that it is time for them to go just by looking upon him. Oddly, it is often described as gentle and peaceful, but for those who are judged poorly for their actions describe it as if a threat come unavoidably true. Those who survive this encounter do not describe having that sensation.



The Reaper is often considered death itself due to his unflinching stoicism. He comes, does what he must, and leaves. What he must is sometimes unclear when he doesn’t take a soul with him. Some hypothesize that, due to some fate readings, he sometimes lets people go even if it was their time, denying fate itself. Beyond that, he expresses no visible emotion.



Many of the people who worship the Judges find themselves in part worshiping the Reaper. However, he does not seem to care for his followers, bringing them to their ends just the same as everyone else. Most revere and respect him though, even if he isn’t a big name. There are none who worship him and get powers from him, but instead, people with powers over life and death already may come to worship him.



It is said that if he did not come to collect you upon death, all creatures would be immortal. That he controls death itself. In cases where people lived wounds that should have been fatal, some believe the Reaper let them go. It is unknown what other powers he has.



Titles: The Watcher, Eyes of Shadow, Shadow Hunter

Home: Realm Beyond

Status: Alive

Specialty: Shadows, Secrets, Lost Items, and Subtlety

Symbol: Blackened Scroll



People tend to hide from the darkness, fearing what lurks in it. For many, there exists plenty of reasons to avoid what might be there. But for others, the Darkness serves as a friend and protector. Le’to is no exception from when she was born. Her birth was marked by the omen of a darkened ocean, leaving the island of Lu’ryl in complete dark. By the time she was old enough to run, she was climbing everything and scaring adults with feet so quiet she was said to be walking on the shadows themselves. She was given the name of Le’to or Dark Child. Dark in Short and Long-tongue doesn’t mean bad, but stealthy and discreet.


By the time Le’to had reached adulthood, she was a hunter like no other. Her ferocity and skill of the hunt had her bringing back kills bigger than any other. Monsters were afraid of her. But… she grew tired of hunting creatures. The hunt grew boring to her. She began to travel, seeking out every corner of the map and eventually stumbling upon a temple. This temple had an odd shape of a dented circle, blackened with darkness. She was drawn to it.


What happened in this temple is left a mystery, but Le’to did not return to her people the same ever again. Her curiosity having grown a taste of what mysteries and secrets lay in the planes.


Physical Description:

Le’to has two forms people have seen her in. Her first is her Lu’ryn form, a standard and lithe woman with wisps of shadow clinging to her and dragging her form into obscurity among them. Her skin is dark in complexion with hair dark as can be. Her pupils have engulfed her entire eye, allowing her to see in the darkest of nights. Her second form is a living shadow that stands off the ground and can blend into any other shadow. It is rare to see this form, as she hides well when in it, but usually it means you are the prey or someone near you is...



Le’to is a deeply curious being, seeking knowledge of all sorts. For most cases, she will gather this without alerting anyone, but much to the surprise of many who know of her, she is an extremely extroverted person, loving to talk on subjects she has studied, which is many. She does hold secrets tight to herself, but shares them when she feels it is needed. When she is not on her home in the Realm Beyond, she is stalking secrets in cities or lost islands.



Like many other powerful entities, there is no church of Le’to as most that follow in her footsteps find that the shadows alone are the best place to seek her blessing. There exists no one true way to follow her, and she often finds herself followed by assassins, archaeologists, adventurers, and information brokers. These people tend to carry a blackened scroll on their hips rather than a holy symbol.



Le’to weaves shadow like it is part of her arm. A natural extension of her being. Her physical skills honed, but nothing quite impressive beyond the average person except when combined with her shadow abilities. She can go anywhere there is a shadow as if taking a step forward. She has supposedly died several times to only come back. What other powers she possesses is unknown.

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