Arvalan follows a twelve month calendar that aligns perfectly with ours for the sole purpose of allowing us to have an easy calendar system since we will have it synced to our own. However, it does have different names, I’m not that uncreative… So here we go, in order of first to last: Frosen, Chinel, Guknol, Valan, Thel’hu (Grow-Begin), Kulen, Minisal, Storm, Uremi, Harvest, Thel’ha (Grow-End), and Mitol.
Frosen: The first of the two coldest months of the year on the plane. Named after the frost like state many islands get. It is the first month of the new year and contains the holidays of Calendar Turning, Winter Feast, and Par’ah.
Chinel: The second coldest month during the time of the Chill. Chinel is named after the entity most known for her control of the snow, Chinst. This is a time typically hit by winter storms and many blame him. It is the shortest month of the year. The two holidays in the month are Sunol Remembrance and Day of Warmth.
Guknol: The Chill lessens for the third month of the year of Guknol. For followers of Ulguk, this month is named after him and hosts one of their bigger festivals. The Week of Renewal has spread outside of the religion as well. The holidays are Week of Renewal, Shipwright Day, Day of Discovery, and Quint.
Valan: A time of early growth and false end to the Chill. Valan is most notable for being the last month of the Chill, having days of cold and warmth that makes it hard to know what the weather will be like. It is also known for heavy rains. The holidays of Valan are Ice Wraith Day and Blood Ocean.
Thel’hu: While some plants can grow well in Valan, many of the staples of farming grow from Thel’hu to Harvest. This month named using the Lu’ryn word that directly translates to Grow-Begin or more properly translated as start of Growth Season. This month has the following holidays: First Seed, Still-Wind Day, and Sail Day.
Kulen: Typically one of the hottest months of the year, it is aptly named after the Mistress of Lava herself, Kulna. Most people prefer to stay inside or in the shade when they can though richer folks may go visit lakes and spend time in the large bodies of water. It has Prince Ol’ko Day and Eruption Day.
Minisal: Named in celebration to the entity of freedom and partying, Minstrel. This month is the second hottest if not tied with the hottest at times. While Minisal has three holidays, two are on the same day and are often combined. The combined two are Celebrant Day (Party) and Freedom Day and then Whale Spotting Days (Lu’ryl and Seyaria, different days).
Storm: Named due to the monsoons that plague Seyaria and Chur, Storm lives up to its name well. Beyond the storms, there isn’t anything special with this month. It does have two holidays, Celebrant Day (Worship) and Crackling Winds.
Uremi: Once the monsoons of Storm have passed, the month dedicated to the god of wind Ure Le comes breezing in. Most notable for a series of strong winds that seem to hit the islands this time of the year known as the Ure Stream. Beyond that, it has a large amount of holidays: Pie Eating Day, First Flight, Day of Winds, and Grand Tournament.
Harvest: The last month before the onset of the chill that would kill most vegetation. Much of the month is spent harvesting food and storing it for the coming weather. But, Harvest is also a time to celebrate, once the harvest is done, with its two holidays of Harvest Week and the Witching Hour.
Thel’ha: The end of the Growth season, Thel’ha is the official start of the Chill. Several plants can stand the start of the cold weather as the weather begins to frost over the vegetation and as such, these plants don’t get harvested with the main harvest. A small festival of Last Harvest and holiday of Leaf Fall represent the changing weather.
Mitol: The final month of the calendar and the second month of the Chill, now fully in swing. Very few plants tend to grow or survive in this month save for the jungles of Lu’ryl and the cacti of Lok’kal. But it is most notable for its holidays even if the month itself seems to lend to depression. It is most focused around the Day of Giving, but also has the holidays of Calendar Death and Planar Weakening.
Days of the Week
So those are the months, but what about the days of week? Surely I can keep being more creative, right!? Well maybe, but the days of the week follow the following scheme from Sunday to Saturday replacements, it is Lenay, Redi, Toilday, Finid, Pu’ryst, Val, and Celebrance. Oh hey, those don’t look… half bad at least!
Lenay is a day of rest after Celebrance, the day of worship. Most work closes on both days in respect to the tradition. Redi is typically the day people return to work and begin setting up for the week. Toilday is usually the day of most work, where many orders or merchants focus on. Finid is still a day of work, but is usually quieter than the previous. Pu’ryst is focused on family and friends. Usually known for feasts and gatherings. And lastly, Val is the end of the week and when work is being wrapped up in order to go to worship the next day.
Now, back to those silly things I mentioned before, Holidays. There are a total of thirty-two holidays through the year. Most fall on the same date each year, but others vary slightly (marked with an asterisk).