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A job, session, fight, mystery, scuffle, adventure, good time, bad time, smashing time, bee’s knee, cat’s pajama, or whatever you want to call it. This is where a Narrator calls for adventure and then selects a party of people (typically 3-6) to partake in a story. Upon completion, you will receive an Encounter Report (ERRT). This report will detail the amount of pieces of a Purchase Slot (5 pieces equals a slot which allows you to by an item at WL) and number of Experience Shards (ES). In order to gain one Experience Point (EP), you need five Shards. This then means fifteen shards per level and one hundred and thirty-five before you hit the max level of ten.


Encounters are something Narrators volunteer to do and it is not a job. While we do require a minimum of one ER per month by each Narrator, we are accommodating for things that might interfere (such as medical issues). The goal of this is to provide a fun and engaging experience for all the players on the session. From wild duels upon the backs of flying whales to hunting down a man who stole the family heirloom of some rich bit- ...lady, encounters vary greatly! It all depends on what the narrator wishes to run that day.


Important Terms

Limbo: When an encounter starts but is unable to finish in the first session, leaving the group to continue on another session. When this is going on, you roleplay as if you haven’t left yet in Open Roleplay. You will receive an ERRT for each session (as long as it ends up being enough to grant points). You cannot go on any other ER on that character while in Limbo except in special cases (will be called out) or three days have passed since the first session.


Removed/Partial: When a player is removed from an encounter for breaking the rules or not being there, they will be marked by a Removed/Partial mark. If your name has one such mark, you need to check for a special callout on your rewards. This means you either receive no credit (and an explanation as to why) or only partial credit for the Encounter which means less rewards.


Critical Mission Failure: We don’t like doing this, it sucks telling people they lost. But, if you fail (and fail it hard) to do the mission at hand, the party receives no or partial credit depending on what happens. Refusing to do the mission assigned will result in a CMF for the players who refuse, but it can also be failing to actually solve the issue in a severe way.


Encounter Report

This is like your receipt for going on an encounter. Except it lacks the survey that can win you a $25 dollar gift card that no one ever wins and you never apply for… But, it’s your receipt. It tells you what you got on the session as well as what happened. And just like a receipt, you’ll likely toss it and forget about it, but first you’ll need to record a smidge of information. Don’t freak, it’ll be easy, and then you can toss it into the abyss of forgotten memories where married men store their anniversary date. So why does it exist? For us. It helps us to go through and figure everything is by the books and right. Before you go asking it, we hope everyone is truthful and mistake free, but people cheat and people make mistakes. This method requires minimal effort on your part, mostly copying and pasting a code (known as an ER Code), title, and your rewards into your sheet. I’ll show an example of what one looks like and explain how things work as best as I can!


  • Encounter Report Example
    [Title]ER-CR-1231182254 (The Hour Before New Years)[Title] ER Code: CR-1231182254 Title: The Hour Before New Years Narrator: Courtney Players: Jim, Bob, Jimbob, and Jimmy [Partial] Summary: A stranger approached the party to inform them he had poisoned the punch and that by the time the new year arrived, the people would all be dead. By working together, the party discovered what poison was used and stop the plans of this evil person by providing the antidote while also stopping the villain. Players on this encounter receive 2 Experience Shards and 2 parts of a Purchase Slot. Special: Jimmy receives only 1 Experience Shard and 1 part of a Purchase Slot due to the player passing out in the middle of the encounter.

Applying The ERRT

That’s a lot of mumbo jumbo above, but what does it mean? Well, all players need to care about is the title, code, and total. The title is a few word summary or identifier on the encounter. It should remind you of what went down, seeing as that ER Code looks like a bunch of random numbers (p.s. It’s not) and won’t remind you of what went down. The ER Code is actually rather simple when I divide it up: ER by CR on 12/31/18 at 10:54 PM. Or ER-CR-1231182254. This is for filing and identifying really easily. Also, I’m sure you can figure out what the total is, but if you can’t, it’s the number of events divided by two. High level math, I can assure you. Purchase Slots are slightly more complicated, but each time you get an Experience Point (5 Exp Shards), you get a Purchase Slot. But, now you need to apply that to your sheet, but how?


It’s actually super easy and only requires a little bit of copy paste. It’ll be placed into one of your Nonessential Inventory or Notes section (you need to turn it on under Options in the sheet) slots. It’ll just look like one of the following (or a variation that has at least the information below):

2 Points - ER-CR-1231182254 (The Hour Before New Years)
2 Points - ER-CR-1231182254

2 Points - CR-1231182254


That’s it. You also need to call this Inventory slot “ER Log” and include a simple 2/5 (or the amount you have) next to it to indicate the number of points you have. Once you hit 5, you can reset them to 0 or just keep adding on (25/5 for example). You do need a second log though, called “Purchase Log” which will be used to indicate number of purchases you have used (3/3 for example) at the end of the title. Then in it’s note section, what you’ve purchased, including your three starting equipment (these are purchase slots and are not lost if you don't use them at creation, but are lost upon moving up a Wealth Level as described below). Examples are below. With those both done, that’s it for logs and ERRT. More info on the Purchase Log is below in Purchase Slots.

Encounter Log
Purchase Log Example
Filled Encounter Log

Purchase Slots

Explained above as well, but for ease, it has its own section. Purchase Slots are the type of currency that influences when you can buy an item at your current Wealth Level. You get a Slot each time you reach 5 experience shards. This means you will have about 4 to 5 purchases a wealth level (6 at 2nd, 5 at 3rd, 4 at 4th, 5 at fifth...) and a grand total of 36 by the time you reach level ten and however many more you earn after you reach level cap. Just remember that custom items need approval. You can purchase items at a lower Wealth Level without the need to expend a Purchase Slot, but when you go up a Wealth Level, all previous purchase slots are lost; you aren’t actually losing anything as you can now purchase at that Wealth Level with ease.


When you gain a Purchase Slot as you reach the next WL, you gain the Purchase Slot at your new WL. Lost purchases should be noted down on the sheet under the purchase log. You need to mark ALL purchases, even if they are from Wealth Levels below your highest. When you gain a Purchase Slot, place a (+1) at the end of the ER Code in the ER Log rather than marking it on the Purchase Log. You may use the old method instead: You also need to indicate when you receive a new purchase slot with a "+1 WLX Purchase Slot - ER CODE" note on your purchase log (Old Method). See Where'd I Leave My Keys!? rule for what does and doesn't need to be purchased.


Wealth Levels

The below chart tells you what your Wealth Score is at each level and experience value.


Legend Points

Things can't be Legendary without Legend Points! Okay... well... maybe they can. But, Legend Points is a key feature of Open Legend, but certain aspects of them just don't work in an LC. Of course, we aren't getting rid of them or building this overly complex system that requires two calculators and that smart kid in Math class. No, it's pretty simple stuff. So simple, I can put most of it in a bullet points system. Which I'm going to do... right... now!

  • Legend Points can only be earned through flaws. Buy your narrator pizza all you want, but they aren't going to give you them. To earn them via flaws, you need it to present a large enough complication to progressing. This can be shooting an ally in the back because you are blind and the way you normally see through sound is obstructed by the screaming bats or the noble-hating sorcerer arguing with the noble paying the party. These should not negatively affect the ERRT, but may increase the difficulty.

  • If you see a Narrator giving out Legend Points for simple things that do not have an effect on the plot just to hand them out to friends or other people, report it. Get screenshots and note the time in the logs and send it to the Moderator team. We don't tolerate favoritism.

  • And... uh... yeah, that is it.


Other rules for Legend Points are still in effect, capping at 10 and only being able to spend a number of Legend Points per roll equal to  level plus one. They also only provide +1 to the roll and +1 advantage. And they need to be declared before rolling.

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