The thing that tells us if we should be prepared for space travel or lucky to know how to make fire, in the case of this plane, the answer is thankfully not the latter and not the former. Without digging too much into cliches, a good summary would be a mix of Aetherpunk, Dieselpunk, and Steampunk for technology (if you don’t know those terms, googling/asking about them is your friend). This means you can see magical tech, diesel engines, and clockwork all in this genre. But, it is best to describe the world as Victorian to the 1950’s (1837ish to 1950ish) of our world. Flappers, Nobles, and Nuclear families the cultures blend into a mix that is what I like to call a Victorian Noir in appearance but not politics.
Some major differences that are important to note. Cars are not as popular due to the fact that they don’t fly and traveling a single island is easier to do on foot or using airships. The cost of fueling it alone is a nightmare limited to the rich, leaving people to mostly rely on public transportation (airships, trains, etc.) or buggies (motorized or non-motorized carriages). Motorized vehicles tend to be limited to either gasoline or magical power. Clockwork may work with either of the two, but by itself, wound up vehicles don’t travel very far at all, and you spend more work winding it than moving.
Lighting depends on the culture for the most part. The streets of the city of Seyaria are electrical powered lightbulbs that have a soft blue glow while the lights on Lu’ryl are clumps of moss that absorb light and release extra energy as a glow during low or no light hours. Poruk tend to keep superheated tubes of lava running through areas of their city. Each species and island may have their own style, unique to them or imitations of another.
Airships are one of the primary means of transportation. There are a few varieties from balloon based, magical based tall ships, and diesel powered metal battleships (basically metal blimp-plane hybrids that look like a battleship). There do exist other means, such as mixture of magical blimps or so forth, allowing a lot of variations. Typically, the Lu’ryn use a moss that grows on the underside of their islands that has a tendency to float. Seyarans prefer blimps, tall ships, and diesel warships. Poruk almost exclusively use blimps. Kol’ok use fast moving magic ships but are much smaller than most. Rane love magical gliders or planes. Exogan mostly use other people’s designs. And so forth for a lot of the other species out there.
Weapons are likely the thing most people want to know about. Seyaria Living Campaign is still fantasy based with swords and knights, but also clockwork rifles, electricity weapons, cannons, tanks, and more. Not all of these things are cheap, but most people can afford a Lightning Coil (WL2, Close Range, Precise, Stunned/Disarmed, deals electricity damage) or a Clockwork Rifle (see Rifle in Equipment). But cannot afford things like a tank (WL 5) though a character could make one using the Alternate Form Feat and Energy attacks, but that is different than purchasing a tank item.
Rev up that engine, pump that pedal, shift into gear, and put it to the metal. Vehicles are quite important in a world where walking will get you falling off a cliff into certain death. But, not all can fly, despite the benefit flying vehicles provide. Below will contain a list of motorized (steam, diesel, or magical motor) vehicle types and what they cost and can do. Some will be simplified to the type available in Chapter 9. This is not an exhaustive list of vehicles, and pre-approved vehicles can be reflavored with approval. All vehicles must fit the setting; as such, any vehicle with Faster than Light and/or Guided Weapons is not allowed, and other vehicles that do not fit the setting must be reflavored.
Speed of vehicle listed in the speed section is for maneuvering safely while in combat. It is not the vehicle's top speed.
A Narrator may decide a Vehicle takes less or no damage from an attack based on its size, make, and more. For example, Punching a small hole into the side of the ship may do 20 damage, but a giant ship will likely not be affected. In most cases, attacking a ship with non-ship weapons will do little to harm it.
Using the rules of All-Terrain Vehicle
When driving normally, these vehicles average a speed of forty miles per hour.
Motorbike/trike: A land-based vehicle that has either two or three wheels and typically a diesel combustion engine. They can have magical engines as well. It can fit two people semi-comfortably on the back of the bike and one more if they purchase an additional sidecar. All riders are exposed to the elements and it is suggested to wear protective eyewear, helmet, and leathers. A common saying is “Dress for the slide, not the ride.”
Motorized Carriage: Also commonly referred to by its shorthand name of Car (shortening of carriage), Motorized carriages specialize in transporting more people more comfortably in an enclosed space to protect against accidents. Usually, these can fit six people in semi-comfort, but five is the recommended. Some versions have a retractable soft-cover roof to convert it into an open air vehicle. The styles of these vary depending on need. A truck has extra cargo space while a coupe is a two door hard roof. (Think cars from early creation to 1950’s)
Mono-wheel: Similar to the Motorbike as an open air (usually) vehicle. However, the Mono-wheel is one large wheel that encompasses the rider. The engine rests under the rider like a Motorbike.
When ridden outside of combat, a horse gallops at about thirty miles per hour. Furthermore, change from WL 3 to WL 2.
WL 2
30’ flying
Agility 2
10 HP
DT 1
Guard: 12; Toughness: 10; Resolve: Immune
A helium filled balloon with a basket underneath and a small engine and propeller, allowing the pilot to steer. However, if the wind is too strong, the propeller does nothing. The balloon is woven using materials to prevent puncture, but when the balloon fails, a glider allows the occupants to generally land with only minor injuries. Can house up to four people comfortably. The max speed of the propeller is twenty miles per hour, but winds can carry it up to 245 miles per hour.
WL 2
60’ flying
Agility 5
5 HP
DT 1
Guard: 15; Toughness: 12; Resolve: Immune
These single person boards have a folding sail that collects magic from magical streams. These are mostly used for sport and are good for short range travel, moving at ten miles per hour on average, though maximum speed puts it around twenty. To prevent falling off, your feet lock into place on the board. In emergency situations, you may have a second person on the board, but it is harder to fly. Steering is done with leaning and foot movements.
Sky Sailor
WL 3
50’ flying (30' Swimming, Surface Only)
Agility 4
20 HP
DT 2
Guard: 14; Toughness: 14; Resolve: Immune
A small ship that can fit six people comfortably. These ships are magically powered only, using a special enchanted sail to glide along the Rivers of magic. It has a small lower deck with beds and storage, but the cargo space fills quickly with even essentials for the trip. There is no galley. The sail serves as an anchor for when the crew needs to stop or rest, suspending it in the air as long as there exists a minimum of a magical Stream. The ship averages around eighty miles per hour when sailing free of interruption. It otherwise looks like a sailboat.
Wave Cutter
(Same mechanics as a Sky Sailor but no fly speed and 50' swimming, surface only)
This variation of the Sky Sailor is a rare sight as making variations of it for water use aren't as common, considering the Sky Sailor can float upon water as well, but the modified magical sails allow for faster movement upon the water. Due to the low energy needed to carry it across the waves, it doesn't need to follow Rivers to pilot, allowing it full freedom on the few bodies of water. These are usually used by the wealthy as icons of wealth. These average around eighty miles per hour on good days with good weather.
Sky Screamer
WL 4
80’ flying
Targeted Weapons, Multi-pilot 2
Agility 6
30 HP
DT 2
Multi-Target Attack Specialist (Area) II
Guard: 17; Toughness: 15; Resolve: Immune
A two seater plane with the second pilot in control of the aft gun and the first in charge of the fore. It is propeller based with one wing on each side. The rear gun sticks out over the back of the plane, forcing it to stop firing if it would be pointed towards itself or the tail fin. These are always diesel engines, meaning they are only good for short flights or quick island hops. Both pilots are covered with a bulletproof glass. This plane can be purchased at WL 3, but it lacks Targeted Weapons, once you reach WL 4, you can upgrade it. This plane soars at around two hundred miles per hour (though some have been clocked nearing three hundred).
Depth Prowler
WL 4
60' Swimming
Multi-pilot 2
Agility 4
30 HP
DT 1
Guard: 15; Toughness: 17; Resolve: Immune
What some might call a giant tin can with windows, a Depth Prowler is a submersible vehicle designed to explore the depths of lakes with ease that magic alone doesn't provide. These can fit a team of six within. The large engines that power a turbine and several air jets to control direction and maneuver are diesel powered. The vehicle also makes use of sound waves to listen to the environment to effectively see all about them and locate ruins, unusual lifeforms, and holes further into islands. It is not an efficient method of sight and only experienced pilots can really make use of this sight in a combat experience. These Prowlers are relatively quiet due to rubber encasing and thick hulls, making it only really perceptible audio wise within fifty feet. These vehicles can pilot at speeds up to one hundred miles per hour, but rarely do. They have front-facing lights that shine up to two hundred feet forward with intense brightness. By spending a WL5 Purchase slot, you can get a version of this with Agility 5, gains Targeted Weapons property and is equipped with torpedoes and a top-mounted harpoon gun, DT 2, and a Guard of 17.
WL 5
60’ flying (Airship Only: 40' Swimming, Surface Only)
Targeted Weapons, Multi-pilot 5
Agility 6
35 HP
DT 3
Multi-Target Attack Specialist (Area) III
Guard: 15 Toughness: 17 Resolve: Immune
Both types average around a hundred and fifty miles per hour.
Blimp: The blimps are giant metal balloons that soar through the air via magic or diesel with the help of helium. The bottom and top of the blimp are armed with machine guns and cannons. Despite the large size, these only house roughly twenty people at most, but having cargo can reduce that to a crew size of ten. The majority of the ship is taken up by the metal plating, balloon, and engines. Blimps have crew quarters, galley, and bathrooms.
Airship: A larger sized Sky Sailor with two to three masts, several cannons and gun turrets, cargo space, bathrooms, captain’s quarters, and galley. A crew of ten to twenty can comfortably live on the ship.
Whale Hauler
WL 5
60’ flying
Multi-pilot 4
Agility 5
40 HP
DT 4
Guard: 17 Toughness: 18 Resolve: Immune
These large hauling ships earned their name for being roughly equivalent to the size of a whale. Usually they house a crew of ten and have only minor defense against pirates. When traveling in a straight route, these ships can move around two hundred miles per hour, allowing them to outrun most pirate ships when not fully loaded. These ships have a maximum load ten thousand tons, but it is safest at five thousand tons. Whether they have the space for an item depends on the shape and what else is carried. These tend to be magical engines and are loaded onto Magways. Diesel versions of these exist for faster short distance travel. They tend to have poor maneuverability though, dropping down to a max speed of one hundred and twenty miles per hour when needing to make corrections to their course.
WL 7
60’ flying
Multi-pilot 6, Targeted Weapons
Agility 7
60 HP
DT 4
Multi-Target Attack Specialist (Area) IV
Guard: 20 Toughness: 20 Resolve: Immune
Battleships are flying tanks of massive size. Nothing compared to the size of a Whale Hauler, but a Blimp and Airship are small compared to the length of a battleship. They are always made of metal and are warships recently invented. Most governments have acquired a small handful of these, but not enough for a full fleet. However, by itself, this ship is still extremely deadly. It has all the amenities of the Airship and Blimp and houses a crew of roughly fifty. It requires a minimum of thirty to man it (and purchasing one comes with the bare essential crew). It has room for six Sky Screamers as well. This ship travels at one hundred and seventy-five miles per hour normally.