Character Creation
Most of this page will detail special rules around making characters, character limit, and so forth. Anything not stated here to be different and is in the Character Creation chapter (Chapter 1) of Open Legend, must be followed. I will not be rewriting that page here. I will only detail things that are not detailed there (or otherwise in the rules) here, this includes our changes to the rules and our rules with dealing with a character count. To ensure the room remains usable, we have set caps to characters which, following the rules that will be detailed below, will allow you to have a cap of five characters (with an exception listed below).
Creation Rules
Here is where we will list any and all changes or clarifications to the rules for newly created characters. Some of these may be overlapped from the Houserule page.
Bipedal creatures start with a basic movement speed of 30 ft. Quadrupedal (or more legged) creatures start with a basic movement speed of 40 ft. Land based single tail creatures like snake hybrids or so on count as quadrupeds. Exceptions may be made (such as for mermaids) with special approval by moderators.​
You start with three Wealth Level 2 items. Only one of these items may be a Extraordinary Item. Extraordinary modifications to weapons like Damage (type) do not count towards this limit, but do still need approval.
Your character must have an appropriate Token and a Backstory to be approved. Both of these can be accessed in the "Edit" button at the top of the sheet.
You start at Level 1 with 0 Exp.
Maximum size a character may be is 2x2 or as many refer to as Large (~20' or ~6m). You can be as small as Diminutive or a minimum of 6" (0.2m) tall.
You must have your logs done to be approved. You can find the examples on the Encounters page.
Your Character has to be part of the Adventurer's League Organization.
You can have more than one character in SLC, in fact, up to five characters. In order to have more than one, you need a character at the following levels to get an additional character slot. A second method to gaining a character slot is to have two characters reach the level of the previous character slot. For example, you would gain the level six slot if you had two level four characters. This only applies to next slot and getting two more to that level does nothing; furthermore, when one of your characters does reach the already gained level, you do not get another character slot. If your character should die or retire when you do not have anyone else at a high enough level to maintain your character count, you do not lose them, but you cannot make a new character until you get back to the level needed to maintain and then gain another character again.
Levels: 2, 4, 6, and 8.​
Creation Tips
So now you are here and you are staring at the sheet and... what do you do? Well, there are a number of ways to start a character, and not all of them work for everyone. But I'll walk through a few methods that could assist in figuring out a character you could want to play. These are tips not rules though, and aren't needed to make a character if you want to do it another way.
Find a Concept. This is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to start. It requires being able to come up with the defining traits of the character from imagination. A concept would be something like "World's Strongest Fairy", "Shy Water Shaper", or "Extraordinary Mechanic". The goal is to have a two to four word description that hits the core of the character and build around that. Focus on abilities you want and get attributes you want to do it. Remember, the flavor of the name isn't that strict. Energy could be controlling fire, but it can also be weaving water. Creation could be holy powers or arcane or even just a really good scientist.
Start with an Image. Find a picture you like and build around that. Now, sometimes the image may not have a whole lot to spend on points, but this could help you define key characteristics. Build the items on the character into them or work your way towards it. As with tip 1, from there find abilities that fit and get the attributes that allow it as well as feats.
Find a Reference. While we don't allow direct copies here in SLC, finding some things you liked from a movie, game, or tv show character is a great way to figure out what you want to do. Just be careful with this method to not fully copy a character and break our rules. Once you have that, follow the steps listed in tip 1 or 2.