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History of Arvalan

Current Year: 79 A.I. (2020 our time)


The history of the plane will focus on what is known to the people in it. From the beginning of knowledge, there existed floating islands, the storm, and the ocean just as they are today. There was a singular empire at that time, but the people of it remain a mystery. There are remains of the civilization, but no signs of corpses, graveyards, or paintings of themselves. Much of the knowledge on this civilization comes from the few ruins which hold books in odd languages. No one has truly deciphered the language yet, even with the aid of magical divination. It is estimated that this civilization existed three hundred thousand years ago.


Modern Civilization as it is now only came to fruition within the last thousand years with the majority of it happening within the last two hundred. The shattering of Utal happened fifty thousand years ago, and is part of the earliest recorded information of Poruk and Seyarans. At that point, Seyarans were able to build ships capable of flight, likely reliant on the wind. At this time in Lu’ryl, Torr’ryl was just being built and would continue to be a small temporary home for another ten thousand years. The first recorded sighting of an Exogan occurs five thousand years after the founding of Torr’ryl, mistaking them for Demons, the Lu’ryn kill them on sight.



Meanwhile, the original Kol’ok empire dissolved due to rebellion of the non-beastmen they had enslaved, which were later genocided by the Kol’ok. This empire had first come into records ten thousand years before the shattering of Utal, lasting for roughly ten thousand years for a race that only lived five hundred years on average. It would be another ten thousand years before Prince Ol’ko’s father, Oln’kan, would reunite the Princes and reform the empire. And then roughly sixty years after that for his son to betray and murder him, taking over leadership and leading the Empire into a self-proclaimed Golden Age, starting with the genocide of all non-beastmen within their borders.


At the same time of the original Kol’ok empire’s fall, the Rane on Chur were just beginning to evolve into the sentient species they are now. They are likely the youngest race but are some of the quickest to evolve through reproduction. Records of Harpy women showing up and seducing males of Seyaria came from around this time period. The books describe the experience in the ships as they sailed for a new homeland as a sunken island dipping into the foggy depths near the Storm, which match Chur’s description quite well. This contact likely led the Rane to have the appearance they do to this day.


At this point in time, there is very little interaction with the Dragons, Elementals, and Fae, and most of their cultures do not change much even to modern day. Dragons, having lived thousands of years and witnessed all of this refuse to share older history. No one knows particularly why though assumptions have been made. These state the Dragons are too proud to say they don’t know, that the events were so horrible no one needs to know, they want us to find out the information on our own, they are hiding something, and far more.



It takes five thousand years after Torr’ryl begins to gain a small permanent residence, for Seyarans and Lu’ryn to meet. Despite not knowing the language the Seyarans spoke, they quickly welcomed them into their cities. The over-friendliness spooked several, but soon the language was shared, developing Seyaran as the first language shared as a common tongue by means beyond conquest. When the Seyaran’s tracked back their exodus and met the Rane and Poruk, the language became a constant thing that all the peaceful islands knew.


Due to this peace, when the Kol’ok empire was first encountered and attempted to capture Chur, Seyaria sent a number of their ships to help repel the invasion. While the Rane managed to hold on their own without the aid, the advancing army on his flank likely influenced his decision to retreat. This alliance between the nations of Seyaria and Chur have held for the thirty-five thousand years since, with each coming to their aid in times of trouble.


Then a lot of boring things happened. Seriously, just dreadfully boring. A few Gods were discovered such as the Judges, Mite, and more. Le’to raised in power to become a god. But it was mostly just strengthening ties, building technology, and urbanizing. Urbanizing though was a serious problem in Utal with the island rotations, but it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that things became interesting again.



Humanoid Rights movements began at the turn of the last thousand years as nations sped into industrial advancement. Conditions in factories was absolutely abhorrent. While they didn’t discriminate between sexes or employ children, races were put into roles they could not perform. Poruk were put on rickety stools to reach tall machinery. Rane in tight locations, often catching their wings in a machine and leading to serious injury. And all of the injuries were just buried and hidden, leaving many victims of this abuse to die. To make matters worse, pollution over Seyaria and Utal skyrocketed, blackening the skies during working hours. But, reaching the royalty of Seyaria was ignored and as the King neared death, talk of revolution boiled among the common folk.


Violence was on the tip of everyone’s tongues. Either for or against the populace revolt. But, thankfully, it was averted when the young Prince and his wife revealed themselves to a meeting of revolution. Luckily, they were able to speak before the mob tore them apart, which would have had dire consequences, and kept it hush that once his father died, they planned to remodel the industry. His words were a hard thing to swallow, but no one was arrested. They went along and within two years, the King passed away and Prince Arfield and Princess Larah were crowned. They kept their word, declaring working conditions to be better mere moments after their crowning to the horror of the nobles.


However, their leadership together would only last several months before the nobles had King Arfield assassinated, attempting to frame the common folk. It almost worked as agents of noble control riled up matters in the military against the commoners. The nobles owning the factories increased hours and decreased pay as this continued, putting out propaganda to report those who did the plot against the King and the punishing hours would lessen. Luckily, Queen Larah managed to piece together what happened with a number of assistants that were later revealed to be the royal guard. The King had known of the plot on his and his wife’s life, but sacrificed his protection to ensure Larah would live with their child.


With the truth out, and the failed coup a failure, the nobles fled the cities, leaving the Queen to declare them to be remodeled. It took a blistering hundred years of hard work to rebuild what was lost, now under the rule of the Son Larah had birthed named Josie. A downside to this change of laws to keep workers safe and protect them meant that innovation slowed.



It would be two hundred years later that the first non-organic, non-magical, sentient construct was built by Cylo Hannath. He named her Arvosi Hannath after his daughter who had died young to illness. Despite being the first ever non-organic construct, Arvosi still functions to this day, continuing her father’s shop. There was never a question on whether sentient constructs were humanoid and they were accepted into the city with welcome. Though some were concerned at the implications of making sentience, but that had been around since early times, with magical organic and non-organic constructs made of magic.


Once more, cities thrived, cultures built, and within the last one hundred years, technology has begun advancing once again with blends of the three major innovation technology of Diesel Engines, Clockwork, and Arcanothurgy.


Lastly, the Prince of Ol’ko was found murdered in his Palace home in Lok’kal in the seventy-eighth year of the Age of Innovation. While many non-associated civilizations — and some within Lok’kal — cheered at this news, much of the Empire has fallen into disarray as many try to claim the role the Prince left vacant. This has led a great number of Beastmen, Kol’ok, and others from their kingdom to flee to other nations.

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