Retraining functions as the method to amend a build that started off wrong or may have had a few errors in it. This is not a tool to rebuild a character into another thing. The identity and theme of the character must stay the same. This is to prevent people from doing one build and then doing a completely different one once they hit a point where it is better. No going from Tom the Builder to Mott the Hoople. So what if you want to completely change the identity of the character? You would rebuild, which is essentially restarting back to 0 and recreating a character.
Getting Approved... again!
You MUST inform a moderator before making any changes! They will create a duplicate of your sheet and keep it to check against the changes you make. If you make changes prior to informing, you can and probably will be counted as cheating. Once your changes are complete, notify a moderator to check if the changes follow the rules listed on this site.
What did it cost?
The dreaded "Cost" factor. Retraining doesn't cost you any Purchase Slots. Instead, you get one free retraining overall on each character. This can be for something as small as a perk or flaw change to as major as swapping out feats and attributes to better fit your theme. Once used, each retraining afterwards costs you 5 points of Experience Debt that you have to make up. You also must mark any instances of Retraining in your Encounter Log with the date of retraining and what was changed. Experience debt means that you do not get any rewards from an encounter until you have collected five experience shards. If the report would still have more beyond your debt, you get that as normal. For example, if you owed five experience and received a six point encounter, you would gain one experience shard and one part of a purchase slot.
Max Level Characters
Instead of accruing a debt, max level characters instead must spend the overfill of Experience Shards they have acquired. This means in order to begin a retraining, they must have at least five shards more than the amount needed to be level 10. This is the only use of the overflow shards as they do not grant additional purchase slots or experience otherwise.
What can I change?
The following list are the parts of the sheet that are able to be changed:​
Companion Traits of the above
Alternate Form Traits of the above
However, you cannot retrain the following:
*Flaws can't be retrained with the above method, but still can be changed. Merely add in a section under the Bio tab with an explanation for why the change, preferably with reasoning that makes sense to what has happened with the character, and alert a Moderator to the need for approval. This is because Flaws are rarely mechanical, only used to gain legend points, and these can help define a character's development. It seemed too costly to change these using the above costs.
**Backstory can be altered slightly, but the key plot of the backstory should remain the same. You also do not need to use retraining to add more to a backstory or retract things you may have said before. As with Backstory, Goals, Beliefs, Instincts, and Appearance are all things that can change naturally. You can even take up an Alias and call yourself something new.