Avg. Height: N/A
Avg. Weight: N/A
Avg. Life Expectancy: 749 y/o* (Oldest Recorded 1705**)
The best way to describe an Exogan is to say that they say no single one looks alike. Some look more humanoid as bipedal, legs, arms, head, and so on but might have spikes jutting from various parts of their body. Others might look like bony dogs with glowing red eyes. There are a lot of rumors about the creatures being evil. Most claim they came from the storm below. They didn’t, but this cruel appearance that either strikes fear or hate forces many away from civilization or honest work. Some like that and play up their appearance, serving as bouncers or other forms of muscle. Sometimes, they can be mistaken for Beastmen, Demons, Devils, and other species.
Because of the fact that none typically look alike, there’s little in way of sexual dimorphism sometimes. Some do have it with ones that look like highly sexualized males or females. However, there are no males or females for the Exogan. But they are also not hermaphroditic, instead they can swap to the other side. This changes nothing of their form besides their reproductive system. It takes some time and is not instantaneous. As such, they are typically referred to with gender neutral terms or like the gender they more closely appear as.
Exogan children are rare to see, but they are all just as different as their parents. They grow up quick, hitting adulthood by about twelve years of age at the latest, but some types of their species develop even faster depending on just what they look like. More bestial like, the faster. Spikes and growths tend to form after birth.
To say they have no culture isn’t quite right, but their culture is mostly filled of discrimination and hate that lead them to separate themselves from most species. If they were to, it usually is to do a job or they happen to find a few good folks who look beyond their appearance. They tend to congregate together in tight knit communities that are slow to trust and fast to keep people away. Those that do know of their homeland never say anything about it besides a few choice comments on the fact that no other species would survive there. Whether that is true or not, none know and those that do don’t say. (Narrator note: We know what the place is like, please don’t make it up for us. If you want to know it for a character, talk to me, Courtney).
Too many variations to pin this down fully. There’s a lot of difference even among their own kind.
Other Info:
While they have large ranges of possibilities, they still aren’t as adaptable as Seyarans. This occurs because each type of Exogan itself is very static, just the race itself which isn’t.
*The exact age of expectancy is unknown to even the Exogan. Rough numbers have been found for those who had parents die naturally or they themselves die naturally.
**Likely an outlier for their race as no other recorded instance has had one above one thousand one hundred.