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Avg. Height: 4’3” to 16’4” 

Avg. Weight: Varies.

Avg. Life Expectancy: N/A



Semi-sentient creatures made purely of an element. These creatures tend to be more sentient the more powerful they are. Though in some cases, the standard case can be inverted. They are natural golems, though they can be made. They differ from Fae in that elementals are purer aspects of the elements and not the energy from them. Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, and more are examples of them where Fae are Life, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and so on. Though water and fire tends to overlap between the two. They are also much larger, spanning size ranges from four feet to up to sixteen feet. These creatures are not limited to humanoid or tauric forms, sometimes forming into bestial shapes. Though if created, they can take the shape of the creators choosing.


Elementals do not have genders, nor do they reproduce via sexual or asexual means. Though a powerful elemental could create more by magical means, it isn't a form of reproduction. They may take forms that appear to be a specific gender of a race, but it provides them no actual ability to reproduce. Half-elementals do exist, but these are people infused with an element and not the child of an Elemental and another race.



Contrary to what people believe, Elementals do have some settlements, but these exist primarily on the Elemental plane. These settlements tend to mimic Lu'ryn or Rane structure, making many Elementals feel comfortable among those countries or people. Each individual is unique in thought process, but many find the world interesting and bear a curiosity to see how their element interacts with the plane of Arvalan.



Most Elementals are resistant to their element if not immune (such as through the Energy Resistance Feat). And like Fae, they tend to have an affinity to controlling and manipulating the element they comprise of. This can be shaping the earth, bending wood, launching fireballs, and more.


Other Info:

  • Elementals are rare on Arvalan but not unheard of. Typically, they are only seen when created or accidentally get stuck on this plane during times or locations of planar weakening. However, sometimes they appear after natural disasters such as earthquakes, forest fires, and more.

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