Avg. Height: (M) 5’ to 6’ (F) 4’8” to 5’10”
Avg. Weight: (M) 100 to 150 lbs (F) 80 to 140 lbs
Avg. Life Expectancy: 250 y/o (Oldest Recorded 273)
Violent protectors of nature. They are not of nature to protect nature, but creatures made of nature that have lived in the natural world as it is for so long that they violently oppose change that even nature itself brings. Physically, they are all on average shorter than Seyarans though not by a large margin. Appearance wise, they vary depending on the flora of the island they live on. Some take a sleek and soft appearance of what many would argue is a water lily; others into manipulative, hallucinogenic Mandrake flowers (of which there are two variations from this plant); and some even into wooden sprites. Because of the variation in different types, they do have some outliers in size. A few species are known to get particularly large, especially those based off of large trees, the Mandrake variety, and a few others. These larger ones are often not very mobile or can root themselves into place to rest.
Dryads have both male and female counterparts though the males are often very effeminate looking. There has been many a story of a lost hunter encountering a beautiful woman in the woods that was actually a male Dryad. As for appearance or sexual characteristics, they typically mimic other life they see, sometimes even blending two together to get what looks to be a tauric plant wolf. However, they usually take on humanoid forms more aligned with Lu'ryn and Seyarans, despite their smaller size. It is unsure why they take these appearances and most Dryads themselves don't know. It is often common though for the females to lack secondary sexual characteristics like breasts as well, seeing as they don't need them. But some do have them, finding it helps attract males, especially of other races (which they sometimes kill and eat, a favorite trick of the Mandrake variety).
Dryads reproduce by having a male fertilize their seeds. These seeds are then placed into the earth to bloom into more Dryads. Typically only one to three seeds end up growing fully. Sapling Dryads are more capable than Seyaran children and are able to walk and run once uprooted. They are capable of learning while rooted as well, so often their parents will teach them what they need to know and leave the sapling to find its territory within a week or two of uprooting. They are considered physically an adult after six months.
Most Dryads believe that since they are made of the plants themselves, they have the right to dictate nature in how it is shaped and done. Typically, this ends up forming into them having territories within nature and shaping it to their whims of what they think nature is supposed to be. While not explicitly common, some share their homes with other Dryads or outsiders. But, some of the species who don’t share their exact ideals are exiled and begin to adapt more to modern living with other species. These types of Dryads tend to be wary of civilization still but willing to see it. These function as your typical adventuring Dryads, as the others typically do not leave their territory or hunting grounds.
Most dryads are resistant to poison and venom. Some even have a natural affinity to using them due to toxic blood. Despite being plants, Dryads cannot fully function off the light alone and need water and food. Most dryads are carnivorous, but some rely on nutrition from the soil.
Other Info:
Most Dryads tend to prefer to sleep outside so they may bury roots and provide themselves nutrition while they sleep.